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Showing posts from October, 2017

Yukio Mishima - Sea of Fertility - 4th Book - The Decay of the Angel

The 4th and last book of Yukio Mishima's - Sea of Fertility - Tetralogy.  It was meant to be his masterpiece and while I was only able to read the 3rd & 4th book, I can honestly say they are quite good, but not on the same level of Tolstoy's War & Peace. I'm not going to attempt to be a Critic and will immediately say I loved this book and was a welcome read.  It posed very interesting questions on how to live life and preparing for one's inevitable death.  Another reader made a good comment...The Sea of Fertility can be summed in Mr. Honda's realization that we have just 'one shot at life'. Sadly, I need to go find Book 1 & 2 to complete the Tetralogy, but in comparison to the 3rd book I would say the 3rd is better as it includes glimpses into Yukio's interpretation & analysis of how life was like in Japan during & after WW2.  Very insightful and interesting notes. This was a far quicker read clocking in at barely 140 or so pages.  B

Cognac -- Hennessy VSOP -- 200 mL

I wanted to broaden my palate beyond just Whisky and after some Research discovered the delightful world of Brandy's.  There are probably just as many if not more types & brands of Brandy's as there are Whisky's and some of the most famous are the French Cognacs. There are also several grades starting from lowest: VS (Very Special) VSOP (Very Special Old Pale) XO (Extra Old). There are several major brands of Cognac and for my initial foray I selected a VSOP from the House of Hennessy (LVMH) for about $18 USD on a 200 mL Bottle. Initial Reaction It is flavorful, sweet and a nice nose (fragrance).  In terms of 'taste' its about par with a Johnnie Walker Black, but only half as interesting as a Highland Park 12. For sweetness, its almost the same as a Macallan 12 and honestly, the viscosity & taste reminded me of the time I added a teaspoon of Maple Syrup to a bad bottle of Macallan 12...the Hennessy VSOP was almost identical in that experience!  Not saying i